barry buzan中文什么意思

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  1. Barry buzan doesn ' t think he himself belongs to the english school or any other school , hut he has been regarded as a new leader of the english school
  2. Barry buzan and richard little , international systems in world history : remaking the study of international relations , oxford : oxford university press , 2000 , p . 1
    美弗朗西斯?福山著,黄胜强等译: 《历史的终结及最后之人》 ,北京:中国社会科学出版社, 2003年版,代序部分第2页。
  3. This paper will focus on barry buzan ’ s a structural approach of english school theory . this approach is one of the most important english school achievements in a generation , which is represented in his recent work from international to world society ?


Barry Gordon Buzan (born 28 April 1946) is Emeritus Professor of International Relations at the London School of Economics and honorary professor at the University of Copenhagen and Jilin University. Until 2012 he was Montague Burton Professor of International Relations at the LSE Buzan sketched the Regional Security Complex Theory and is therefore together with Ole W?ver a central figure of the Copenhagen School.


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